Panel Discussion: POST-COVID LANDSCAPE Edge computing for oil and gas in a post-Covid world
Date & Time
Wednesday, January 27, 2021, 10:00 AM - 10:40 AM
David Lafferty - Scientific Technical Services
Mohammed AlGhazal - noorenergy
Amy Henry - Eunike Ventures
Kevin O'Donovan - A Bit of This and That …
Harald Wesenberg - Equinor
Mohammed AlGhazal - noorenergy
Amy Henry - Eunike Ventures
Kevin O'Donovan - A Bit of This and That …
Harald Wesenberg - Equinor

This presentation will delve into the increased importance of edge in a post-Covid environment, with a focus on specific applications for the oil and gas industry. As technology investment plans are reevaluated, what is the business case for a transition for the oil and gas industry a to cloud based system?
- The role of edge technologies in accelerating post-Covid-19 recovery through diagnostics and maintenance at source
- The evolution of new working practices: how has this made edge computing a fast-tracked reality for oil and gas companies?
- Bringing together stakeholders across the end-to-end network around an automated framework
- Edge and AI – a symbiotic partnership
- Driving edge standardization with an open source approach
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