Panel discussion: Covid-19 : the new normal for oil and gas and the implications on machine learning
Date & Time
Thursday, April 15, 2021, 9:00 AM - 9:40 AM
Behrooz K-Hosseini - Saskatchewan Research Council
Dave Shook - Uptake Technologies
Cetin Karakus - bp
Dave Shook - Uptake Technologies
Cetin Karakus - bp

In this interactive panel discussion participants will assess the role of machine learning In managing the gradual return to normal production quotas and changes in demand. Just some of the areas to be debated will include:
- How can machine learning technologies assist oil and gas companies in achieving more agile process management?
- How do current data collection and location siloes inhibit the deployment of AI?
- Forecasting whether increased pressure to optimize end-to-end costs will drive increased machine learning adoption?
Virtual Session Link