Full Name
Olive Williams
Job Title
Project Manager
Nunatukavut Community Council
Speaker Bio
Olive currently works as a Project and Implementation Manager with the NunatuKavut Community Council (NCC), an Inuit governing body. She leads a team toward the implementation of a clean energy plan that is focused on the needs, priorities, and values of NunatuKavut Inuit. Olive recognizes that sustainable energy has many environmental, economic and social benefits and is a critical part of energy sovereignty. Through extensive research and meaningful engagement, Olive’s team has implemented a number of successful programs throughout NunatuKavut, including a High Efficiency Wood Stoves Pilot Project, a Home Energy Repair Program, and Solar Demonstration Projects. Olive strongly believes in the importance of energy education in NunatuKavut communities and has incorporated this into her work. She also sees the importance of sharing knowledge and project successes nationally and internationally.
Olive Williams