Full Name
Cynthia Keeton Brown
Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College
Speaker Bio
Dr. Brown is a nursing faculty member at Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College and has a deep commitment to nursing education. She holds a Ph.D. in Nursing Leadership from the University of Southern Mississippi and received the National League of Nursing/Southern Nurses Research Society Doctoral Research Award in 2024.
Dr. Brown’s research focuses on the intersection of social determinants of health (SDOH) and skill of involvement (SOI). Nursing is a socially embedded practice and empowering students to become holistic caregivers can have a profound impact on the nurse-patient connection. The delivery of individualized patient centered care is what both patients and nurses are craving.
Most recently, Dr. Brown’s research and curriculum interest has expanded to include teaching nursing students how to utilize AI and the humanities to evoke a personal philosophy of nursing. Dr. Brown hopes to inspire her students to become patient advocates in the increasingly mechanized world of healthcare. Nursing students will discover the art of nursing through the lense of SDOH and SOI in the OER course and textbook; The Art of Nursing: Humanizing Healthcare.
Cynthia Keeton Brown